Why Correct Oral Health Issues Before Cosmetic Dental Work
October 10, 2023
Before you decide that you want to pursue cosmetic dentistry to address concerns like chipped or discolored pearly whites, it’s essential to prioritize underlying oral health issues. This involves evaluating and treating conditions, like periodontal disease and tooth decay. Establishing a robust foundation through gum disease therapy or cavity repair is crucial for successful cosmetic dental enhancements. Read on to learn why that is.
What Are Cavities?
Cavities, also referred to as dental caries or tooth decay, result from damage to the hard surface of the teeth caused by acids produced by bacteria. These bacteria flourish on sugars and carbohydrates in food and drinks, generating acids that corrode the protective outer layer of the teeth, which is called the tooth enamel.
As time passes, the enamel undergoes deterioration, forming tiny openings or cavities. Without proper intervention, these cavities can delve deeper into the tooth, impacting the inner layers and giving rise to pain, infection, and the risk of eventual tooth loss.
What is gum disease?
Insufficient oral hygiene practices are a common cause of gum disease, resulting in a bacterial infection of the gums. Additionally, factors such as hormonal changes, medical conditions like cancer and HIV, medications that reduce saliva production, smoking, and genetic predisposition can contribute to the development of gum disease.
During the initial stage, referred to as gingivitis, noticeable inflammation of the gums occurs, accompanied by increased susceptibility to bleeding during brushing. If left unaddressed, this condition may progress to the more severe phase known as periodontitis. Moreover, the infection has the potential to spread through the bloodstream, increasing the risk of strokes or cardiovascular issues.
How They Can Impact the Look of Your Smile
Periodontitis can manifest in symptoms like gum recession, frequent bleeding, and inflammation, causing teeth to appear larger due to heightened enamel exposure. Additionally, as the gums and bone withdraw from the teeth, pockets form, accumulating debris and promoting infections. Persistent neglect of these conditions can eventually lead to tooth loss as the teeth lose their hold.
Cavities can impact the aesthetics of your smile, resulting in discoloration, alterations in tooth shape, and visible pits or holes in advanced stages. It is crucial to seek prompt dental care to preserve a visually appealing and healthy smile.
Available Treatment Options
Scaling and root planing serve as potent procedures in eradicating bacteria and plaque around the gums and tooth roots. Scaling focuses on the removal of buildup around the gums, while root planing shapes tooth roots to thwart future plaque accumulation. Augmenting these procedures with antibiotic therapy enhances the overall treatment, fostering oral health and setting the stage for a healthy smile.
Cavity treatments often involve removing decay and filling the space with restorative material. Dental fillings are common for cavity repair, while dental crowns may be recommended for more extensive decay. In cases affecting the tooth’s pulp, a root canal may be necessary to remove infected pulp and preserve the tooth.
About the Practice
Situated in Chula Vista, Village Walk Dental prioritizes comprehensive oral health care, emphasizing the importance of establishing a healthy foundation before delving into cosmetic dentistry services. With a commitment to addressing gum disease and cavity treatments, their expert team ensures your oral health is optimal, providing a solid base for any cosmetic procedures. If you’re ready to schedule an appointment with Village Walk Dental or would like to gain further insights into their comprehensive treatments, reach out to their office at (619) 482-7367 or visit their website.
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